Results for 'K. B. Vardapeti︠a︡n'

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  1.  65
    A Novel Interpretation of the Klein-Gordon Equation.K. B. Wharton - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (3):313-332.
    The covariant Klein-Gordon equation requires twice the boundary conditions of the Schrödinger equation and does not have an accepted single-particle interpretation. Instead of interpreting its solution as a probability wave determined by an initial boundary condition, this paper considers the possibility that the solutions are determined by both an initial and a final boundary condition. By constructing an invariant joint probability distribution from the size of the solution space, it is shown that the usual measurement probabilities can nearly be recovered (...)
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  2. Not all chimpanzees show self-recognition.K. B. Swartz & Suzette M. Evans - 1991 - Primates 32:483-96.
  3. Basir 0 A, Hassanein K, Kamel M.K. B. Shaban - 2002 - Infor Mation Fusion in a Cooperative Multi——Agent System for Web in for M Ation Re—Trieval [Ai. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Inter National Conference on Infor Mation Fusion (Fusio 2002), Annapolis, Mar Yland, Usa, 8—1 1 July 2:1256-1262.
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  4. Time-Symmetric Quantum Mechanics.K. B. Wharton - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (1):159-168.
    A time-symmetric formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics is developed by applying two consecutive boundary conditions onto solutions of a time- symmetrized wave equation. From known probabilities in ordinary quantum mechanics, a time-symmetric parameter P0 is then derived that properly weights the likelihood of any complete sequence of measurement outcomes on a quantum system. The results appear to match standard quantum mechanics, but do so without requiring a time-asymmetric collapse of the wavefunction upon measurement, thereby realigning quantum mechanics with an important (...)
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    Handwriting as Practice of Russian Governmentality.K. B. Gaaze - 2016 - Sociology of Power 28 (4):104-131.
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    The status of women and fertility.K. B. Piepmeier & T. S. Adkins - 1973 - Journal of Biosocial Science 5 (4):507-520.
    There is a great deal of interest in the relation between the status of women and fertility—by humanists, academics and policy-makers concerned with bringing about fertility declines. The three aspects of women's status most frequently linked to fertility are their education, employment and type of husband-wife interaction. Research to date has not given us a clear and consistent explanation of these relationships and has not confirmed causality. The effects of these three factors on fertility vary considerably across national boundaries and (...)
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    The observation of dislocation loops in the sodium chloride–barium chloride mixed crystal system.K. B. Harvey - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (87):435-446.
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  8. The Systems Concept in Psychology and Metatheory.K. B. Madsen - 1979 - In Jan Bärmark (ed.), Perspectives in metascience. Göteborg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället. pp. 2--129.
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  9. Formirovanie kompleksnoĭ programmy ėsteticheskogo vospitanii︠a︡ naselenii︠a︡ SSSR: istorii︠a︡ i sovremennostʹ.K. B. Sokolov (ed.) - 1988 - Moskva: Vses. nauchno-issl. in-t iskusstvoznanii︠a︡ Ministerstva kulʹtury SSSR.
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  10.  48
    The Fallacy of Favouring Gradual Replacement Mind Uploading Over Scan-and-Copy.K. B. Wiley & R. A. Koene - 2016 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 23 (3-4):212-235.
    Mind uploading speculation and debate often concludes that a procedure described as gradual in-place replacement preserves personal identity while a procedure described as destructive scan-and-copy produces some other identity in the target substrate such that personal identity is lost along with the biological brain. This paper demonstrates a chain of reasoning that establishes metaphysical equivalence between these two methods in terms of preserving personal identity.
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  11.  65
    Heimsoeth, Studien zur Philosophie Immanuel Kant: metaphysische Ursprünge und ontologische Grundlagen.K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):539-539.
    This volume brings together flux essays by an eminent scholar on the origins, development, and import of Kant's philosophy, chiefly in its metaphysical aspects. Four of these were separately published between 1924 and 1926, but until now have been difficult to obtain, despite great demand. Their appearance here will be welcomed. The thesis emerging from these studies is that the critical philosophy originates in metaphysical probings concerning the nature and presuppositions of being, and issues in doctrines which, despite psychological, epistemological, (...)
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    Frölich’s table of Homeric wounds.K. B. Saunders - 2004 - Classical Quarterly 54 (1):1-17.
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  13. Why we read history.K. B. Smellie - 1947 - London,: P. Elek.
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  14.  50
    Race mixture.K. B. Aikman - 1933 - The Eugenics Review 25 (3):161.
  15.  49
    An Inquiry about Professor Conlon's New Book.K. B. Macdonald - 1982 - The Chesterton Review 8 (1):89-90.
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  16. Introduction: Thinking freely, acting variously, or thought as a practice of freedom [Special issue,“Hybridity”].K. B. Chan & N. Chan - 2010 - World Futures 66 (3-4):163-191.
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    Philosophy today: idealism, realism, logical positivism, existentialism.K. B. Pflaum - 1952 - [Auckland]: Pelorus Press.
  18.  3
    Borʹba ideĭ v meni︠a︡i︠u︡shchemsi︠a︡ mire: aktualʹnye problemy politiki i ideologii XIX-XX vekov: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.K. B. Vinogradov & O. A. Naumenkov (eds.) - 1993 - Ufa: Bashkirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  19. Hybridity [Special issue].K. B. Chan - 2010 - World Futures 66 (3-4).
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  20.  16
    First-principles study of pressure-induced phase transitions and electronic structure of Be3P2polymorphs.K. B. Joshi & U. Paliwal - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (9):1159-1169.
  21. Some thoughts on modern jurisprudence.K. B. Agrawal (ed.) - 1977 - Bikaner: Indian Institute of Comparative Law.
    Stone, J. Thoughts on supposed "Death of law".--Krishna Iyer, V. R. Jurisprudence and jurisconscience.--Sharma, G. S. Law and social change in India.--Sharma, S. D. The concept of justice in Manu.--Chand, H. Legal values for a developing country.--Ramarao, T. S. The new international law relating to the rights and duties of States.--Sinha, B. S. Custom and customary law in Indian jurisprudence.--Mazumdar, D. L. Techno-economic structure of our industrial society.--Subrahamanian, N. Law and social change.
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    Structural evolution of nano-scale icosahedral phase in novel multicomponent amorphous alloys.K. B. Kim *, P. J. Warren, B. Cantor & J. Eckert - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):281-286.
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    Sociological Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy: Random Thoughts On.K. B. Agrawal & Rajendra Kumar Raizada (eds.) - 1993 - University Book House.
  24.  14
    Eugenics and the Sunday school teacher.K. B. Bamfield - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 5 (3):262.
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    Hume's treatment of belief.K. B. Pflaum - 1950 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 28 (2):93 – 113.
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    To the editor of "mind".K. B. Popper - 1941 - Mind 50 (199):311-b-312.
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  27. The rule of law and the principles of the welfare state.K. B. Agrawal - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:135-143.
  28. Solar energy-a vedic approach.K. B. Archak - 2006 - In V. N. Jha, Manabendu Banerjee & Ujjwala Panse (eds.), Nyāya-Vasiṣṭha: felicitation volume of Prof. V.N. Jha. Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar. pp. 68.
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  29.  44
    Der konservative Roman in Deutschland nach der Revolution von 1848.K. B. Beaton & Hans-Joachim Schoeps - 1967 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 19 (3):215-234.
  30.  22
    La estructura del valor. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 14 (3):568-568.
    An attempt to clarify and establish systematically foundations for a "formal" science of axiology, relating it to the social sciences and humanities as mathematics is related to the natural sciences.--L. K. B.
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  31.  42
    The Freedom to Read. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):349-350.
    The report of a special commission engaged by the National Book Committee, Inc. to make an inquiry into the theory of censorship and the freedom to read. It presents 1. a philosophical, sociological, and legal analysis of the grounds and implications of censorship, 2. recommendations concerning the needed systematic empirical investigation into the effects of books, the formation of reading taste, etc., and 3. suggestions as to immediate action.--L. K. B.
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  32.  37
    The Language of Modern Physics. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):720-721.
    This book professes to give a semantic analysis of the main concepts of classical and quantum physics. The author holds that the task of philosophy of science is to explicate the meanings of scientific theories, laws, and hypotheses by formal reconstruction; semantic rules are a necessary part of such a reconstruction. Beginning with an extremely, indeed fatally, simplified treatment of the required concepts of logical syntax and semantics, he proceeds to discuss in non-technical language the concepts of the chief physical (...)
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  33.  23
    The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (2):361-362.
    A reprint of Freud's lectures of 1910. In his philosophically critical preface, Allers briefly but effectively points up logical and scientific weaknesses in Freud's theories, attributes their peculiar success to the appealing ambiguity of approach as between the scientific and the historical, then finds their chief merit in furthering the recognition of man's "historicity."--L. K. B.
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  34.  27
    The Structure of Christian Ethics. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):495-495.
    Not a philosophical analysis or explication, this compact, lyrical study remains deliberately within the "organic" categories of biblical speech--which it is part of its purpose to exemplify--and with considerable success communicates the Christian conception of ethical life as man's response to God's self-revealing activity in history, to be understood only in terms of "the living continuity between man-in-God and man-in-man."--L. K. B.
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  35.  21
    A Philosophy of Tensions Among Values. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):544-544.
    This book claims to state a "method of polarity" whereby philosophy can be advanced significantly. This method presupposes a conception of knowledge as rooted in value and of truth as encompassing contrary or "contrapletive" positions. Finding in experience irreducible oppositions demanding a definite method of treatment, it prescribes for this a "calculus," which is then applied to "typical philosophical problems." A vast amount of reading --somewhat over-documented by more than four hundred citations and references--are brought to bear rather externally on (...)
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  36.  50
    Historia de la Filosofía Espanola. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):693-693.
    Part of a series on Spanish philosophy, this work presents medieval Islamic philosophy from an unusual and consciously restricted perspective. This is most evident in the distribution of emphasis: Al-Kindi, Al-Zarabi, Algazel, even Avicenna are considered in the brief introductory discussion of "Oriental" Islamic philosophy, while the system of Averroes is treated in great detail as the culmination of a distinctly Spanish tradition. Not a definitive history of the subject, but a "scientific manual" of the present state of historical-philosophical knowledge, (...)
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  37.  33
    Il metodo della Filosofia. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):353-353.
    A collection of essays on various aspects of philosophy of science, written around the turn of the century by a perceptive historian of science and methodologist who, under the influence of Peirce, Mach and Peano, anticipated many basic doctrines of the later semantically oriented analytic philosophy. The short introduction discusses Vailati's viewpoint in connection with his chief contemporaries; a brief biography and bibliography are provided. --L. K. B.
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  38.  30
    I valori fra la Metafisica e la Storia. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):342-343.
    Five previously published articles dealing with various topics in philosophy of history. They center on the problem of a metaphysics adequate to a radical emphasis on history over against nature and to a conception of values as emergent through history.--L. K. B.
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  39.  41
    Ortega y Gasset: An Outline of His Philosophy. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (1):165-166.
    A remarkably condensed statement of the main features of Ortega's philosophy, organized "biographically" around three stages of his intellectual development, termed "objectivism," "perspectivism," and "ratio-vitalism," with chief attention given to the last. The presentation is marked by a soberness unusual in writers on Ortega. As a result, a certain fairness and balance are achieved, yet not at the cost of any adequacy to the vitality of Ortega's own thought.--L. K. B.
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  40.  25
    Man at the Crossroads. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (4):694-694.
    This well-translated and slightly revised edition of El Hombre en la Encrucijada approaches the problem of social crisis and creative integration of conflicting strains into higher "forms of material and spiritual life" with Spanish intimacy and terseness and with wide erudition in unusual combination with a sense of reality. Part II treats the modern period as a series of crises, roughly describable as the inception, spread, and ultimate failure of secular, scientific intellectualism. This work combines the usual "cultural heritage" and (...)
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  41.  35
    Metafisica de la Expresion. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):350-350.
    Begins with a critique of traditional metaphysics and of modern natural science, disclosing a common root in the more basic fact of creative symbolic expression, which is held to be the key to a radical and rectifying refounding of metaphysics. Expression and symbolization, are held to be essentially constitutive of human existence, of knowledge and of the known, and to be historical communal and creative. The merit of the work is in facing the question of the import for metaphysics of (...)
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  42.  36
    Our Cultural Heritage. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):718-719.
    To the task undertaken here of articulating the common values and goals which should be ours as heirs of Western culture, Greene brings a scholarly grasp of the history of ideas, a sensitive insight into the actual ideals of our nation, and a responsible concern for an honest and critical national self-understanding. The result is not novel; but it does offer a well expressed and compelling Christian, liberal social philosophy, stressing reverence for God, respect for man, and rich participation in (...)
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  43.  33
    Theme For Reason. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):352-353.
    A timely and competently argued case for a broadened conception of rationality, this book attacks the currently orthodox dogma that rational justification must proceed according to the model either of logico-mathematical deduction or "piecemeal inductive engineering," and tries positively to clarify the concept of such justification in important cases where these models are inadequate. The use of reason is considered first in the context of political theory, then in ethics, finally in terms of generalized philosophical methodology. The traditional modes of (...)
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  44.  34
    The Role of Knowledge in Western Religion. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):493-493.
    Noting the shift from the old science-vs.-religion conflicts to the cooler query, "In what sense and to what extent, if any, does religion involve knowledge?" Randall surveys the history of the question on the way to developing his thesis. Religion is socially indispensable, he holds; in it beliefs function not primarily as expressions of truth but as non-cognitive symbols directing the group's "organized expression of the feelings, actions, and beliefs... centering around the emotionally significant and valuable elements of their social (...)
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  45.  39
    Christian Commitment. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (2):344-344.
    A clear and well-written defense of the Christian theistic world-view, marked by a constructive and well-balanced philosophical orientation, with only slight hints, through most of the book, of the underlying religious fundamentalism. The stress on the fundamental importance of commitment is balanced by a recognition of its constitutive role in reasoning, and by an insistence on the need for the integration of the intellectual, the practical, and the religious. The author takes as his main field of evidence man's "power of (...)
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  46.  42
    Espacio, Tiempo y Paridad. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1959 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (3):493-493.
    A technical but lucid and relatively elementary discussion of the development of the physical concepts of space and time and the bearing of the parity hypothesis of Lee and Yang on the future course of this development.--L. K. B.
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  47.  22
    Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 11 (3):514-514.
    A revised edition of a work originally published in 1952, this book offers an entertaining exposé of various pseudoscientific fads and cults, from dowsing and flying saucers to flat earth theories and dianetics. It includes brief but responsible chapters on the theories of Wilhelm Reich, Count Korzybski, and J. B. Rhine.--L. K. B.
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  48.  22
    Histoire de la philosophie et métaphysique; Aristotle, Saint Augustin, Saint Thomas, Hegel. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (4):727-727.
    A collection of six unrelated articles by as many authors. First come three scholarly studies, dealing with causality in Aristotle, St. Augustine's metaphysics of created being, and St. Thomas as a commentator on Aristotle. The fourth is an exposition of Hegel's views on scepticism. Next comes a reconstruction, within the scholastic spirit, of "classical formal logic." The concluding and most interesting article is a bibliographical survey of recent works in the history of ancient philosophies. --L. K. B.
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  49.  35
    Los Factores Mentales de Spearman y las Potencias Escolasticas. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1956 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (1):174-174.
    In a critical study of the factor-analytical theory of knowledge of the psychologist C. E. Spearman, the author tries to show that many so-called discoveries of modern psychology are mere elementary and unconscious repetitions of the older but much clearer Thomistic concepts.--L. K. B.
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  50.  25
    La nature et la portée de la méthode scientifique. [REVIEW]K. B. L. - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):545-545.
    This presentation of scientific methodology tries to avoid metaphysical issues without being unphilosophical. Drawing from a wide range of material, the book describes clearly but rather generally what empirical scientists are concerned with, how they proceed, what they accomplish. The five parts deal with the roles in science of definitions, physical laws and theories, induction, and the interplay of reason and immediate experience. Despite the slant indicated by the many quotations from St. Thomas and Aristotle--peculiarly but pleasantly combined with passages (...)
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